Hearing Aid Hats

Do you struggle with hearing aids falling off those tiny ears? Hearing Aid Hats are here to help!

Establishing good hearing aid use is important, but it’s not always easy! Responding to feedback from families who have been challenged with behind-the-ear aids falling out, being fiddled with or getting lost, our team has worked with Etsy star seamster PollyPins to ensure a soft, comfortable solution for your little one.

“From around 3 months old, we found it extremely difficult to keep hearing aids on our daughter as she became more explorative. The hearing aid hats have been the greatest thing we have ever invested in for her. Hearing aid usage has jumped from around 2-3 struggling hours per day, to 7-8 amazing hours. This meant spending those hours having fun and learning, rather than fighting to keep her hearing aids in.”

Sophie H

Available in sizes from 6 to 36 months and in a selection of designs and colours, Hearing Aid Hats are available for purchase from PollyPinsShop

PollyPins will kindly donate £1 from every purchase of a Hearing Aid Hat to support Glue Ear Together