Parents and professionals together for children with glue ear

Helping you to support your child

We know that the best advocate for your child is you! We want to empower you with everything you need to know about what glue ear is, how it can impact your child’s behaviour and development, and what you can do to help your child day-to-day. At Glue Ear Together, we believe that armed with the right knowledge parents and carers have an important part to play in achieving positive outcomes - and together we are here to support you. We value and draw upon the practical knowledge of parents and carers who are ‘experts by experience’, and acknowledge the value of peer support.

Learning for early years practitioners

We know that the first few years of life are vitally important for early development. We want to make early years practitioners aware of the high incidence of glue ear and the signs and symptoms to look out for. Through our experience, we want to provide some very simple strategies that you can put in place that will make a real difference in promoting access to the spoken word for young children with a hearing loss caused by glue ear. We believe that equipped with this information, early years providers can promote a more inclusive and accessible learning environment.

Supporting professionals

We know that Teachers of the Deaf, Speech and Language Therapists, Health Visitors and other professionals want to signpost families to clear information that is helpful, up-to-date and easy to understand. We want to provide professionals with resources that they can confidently share, knowing that the content is based on latest guidelines and is the product of a collaboration between parents, education and health. We believe that we share a common goal of promoting positive outcomes for young children with glue ear.

Supporting clinicians to provide valued information

We know that it is difficult to cover all of the information that a parent needs in the time available during appointments. We want to work in partnership with clinicians to provide resources that compliment and reinforce the information provided in clinics, in a way that is clear and easy to read. We strive to collaborate with clinicians to inform our resources and ensure we are reflecting current practices, to provide information that is valued by children with glue ear and their parents and carers. We are committed to helping you provide information to enable informed choices to be made.

Working together with families, education and health, to provide clear, up-to-date information that promotes positive outcomes for children with glue ear

We are grateful to Ovingdean Hall Foundation for financial support for this website and to the Ewing Foundation for their help and advice on content. We acknowledge that much of the text used is based on the booklet Hearing To Succeed and Achieve published by the Ewing Foundation.

With kind thanks to support from